Yay! It’s finally here!
I have been working on putting together a new website, and now that it is live, I am super excited to show it off! It wasn’t until my last blog finally crashed and burned on the backend that it forced me to push new changes. It’s funny how by day I work as a “product owner” of a major web project, but my own dot com was troublesome. However, with a ton of great help from Meredith and Heather, I had access to the code work and editing needed to make my new pujaparakh.com a reality.
For those of you who have followed along over the past few years, thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy the ride. For those of you who are new, I invite you to view the archives that have been brought in from various other blogs/sites I had running in the past. Additionally, if you are interested in subscribing to this incredibly exciting content, please use the RSS info to the right.
Take a look around. I’m so so so happy that I have a venue to share imagery with friends and fans again.
And please, leave a comment to let me know you stopped by!
p.s. The site still has that new car smell… so if you run into any bugs along the way, please let me know.
p.s.s. Let me know if you need an smokin’ front-end coder person and/or a totally kickass copyeditor.
THANKS! – puja